The end of an era?
From Ye Olde Chat tonight.
[20:22] [Ty] Who here wants to know a secret? [20:22] [Devlyn] I'm really curious about what you've got on your mind :). [20:22] [Newts] Not me [20:23] [Ty] You know SO demo 3B? [20:23] [Ty] That's as far as it'll ever get :P [20:23] [Devlyn] Really? [20:23] * WeirdGuy covers [20:23] [Devlyn] Are you gonna can it?? [20:23] [WeirdGuy] aaah, its the evil Tymaster [20:24] [acebloke] so you gave up on it and started demo 4 [20:24] [Ty] Get in that can! [20:24] [Ty] demo 3B was a baby form of demo 4 [20:25] [acebloke] so thats it ? no more SO ? [20:25] [Ty] All good things come to an end
I’m off on holiday on Friday, so the hate mail will have to wait until I get back.